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When It comes to starting a business we get very excited about helping you get started. We have been in this Industry of business ownership for over 15 years... We know all the aspects of starting one, and growing one, look at our (ABOUT US) page to learn more about our history. For some time we have been sharing our resources and services to potential business owners, but what we have realized is that, they have not been consistent with treating their business like a real business... For the last 10 years we have been very focused on being the model of excellence.

In order that our new clients be very successful, we have now put together our new released  (Business Ownership Setup Packages) in order to give them a right starting point and Foundation to starting a real home base business authorized by the Federal Government. With the proper resources in place success will rise. Our business model is slow, steady, and sure. we don't believe in you being successful over night , we believe in teaching you values that keep you balanced in life with God, Family, and  business. We Have Coaching of all types, Personal, Business and Team Coaching on all aspects of business. Book-Keeping, Marketing, and Life. Coaching in these areas makes the difference in your life Financially, Professionally, and Physically... Coaching prices at very affordable rates... 

Here are our 5 mottos:

1. We aid & help individuals to start a business, and save thousands of dollars every year on taxes.

2. We aid & provide training and proven systems to ensure 10,000 per month or more on a  regular basis. 

3. We aid & provide many industries for you to choose from. our top 5 are: 

A. Telecommunications Industry - which is a trillion dollar industry, and growing. Research   

B. Health & Wellness Industry - which is a multi-billion dollar industry, and growing. Research    

C. Travel Industry - Which is a 8 Trillion dollar industry and growing. Research

D. Online advertising industry - which is a 100 billion dollar industry and growing. Research    

E. Construction Industry- which is a 4.8 trillion dollar industry and growing. Research  

4. We understand ownership is not for every one, having more money and time may not interest you. However we             will help you save money by using the services we provide on our services page.

5. Understand the frequently asked questions about Social Security's Future...

          Q. I'm 35 years old. If nothing is done to improve Social Security, what can I expect to receive in retirement benefits from the program?

          A . Unless changes are made, at age 71 in 2049 your schedule benefits could be reduced by 26 percent and could continue to be reduced every year thereafter from presently scheduled levels.

          QI'm 26 years old old. If nothing is done to change Social Security, what can I expect to receive in retirement benefits from the program?

          A. Unless changes are made, when you reach age 62 in 2049, benefits for all retires could be cut by 26 percent and could continue to be reduced every year thereafter. If you lived to 100 years old in 2087 (which will bemore common by then), your scheduled benefits could be reduced by 32 percent from todays schedule levels.

          Q.  Should I count on Social Security for all my retirement income?

          A.  No. Social Security was never meant to be the sole source of income in retirement. It is ofte said that a comfortable retirement is based on a"three legged stool" of Social Security, pensions and savings. American workers should be saving for their retirement on a personal basis and through employer-sponsored or other retirement plans.


HARD CORE FACTSOut of every 100 people who work from 20 to the age 65 these are the statistics of how they end up 45 years later.


            Out of The Top 5%

              1-- Wealthy & Rich...

              4-- Financially Independent

          The bottom 95%  

               5-- Still Working 

               28- Dead 

               62- Dead Broke

              "DON'T IGNORE THESE FACTS"













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